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                There is never a time of darkness upon Earth.  Where there is night, one place, the light of day is present in another.  There is never an absence of warmth upon Earth.  Where there is cold, one place, the climate of warmth is present in another.  Earth is My living creation, […]

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            Do not walk with your head held high, in the clouds, ignoring that around you.  You are upon Earth for a reason.  Look down and see that which is with you.  Turn around and see all that is with you.  No matter where you are, look and see.  See My glory in all […]

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            Out of the darkness, comes the light.  The truth is, there is always the light.  And if you look deep, into the darkness, you will see a spark of light.  That spark of light is calling to you.  “Come, help bring illumination to the darkness.”  What is the darkness?  It is most often […]

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              When the snows come, and fall upon the Earth, eventually the snow melts.  It melts into the Earth.  And when the rains come, the rains fall upon the Earth, and saturate the Earth.  When the sun comes, the light of the sun draws the plants, and the trees, and the grasses, up, […]

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            Come to Me, My child, and I will give you refuge, in My arms.  All I AM, I give to you, for within you is where I AM.  At the core of your being, you will find Me.  Yes, find Me every time.  There is none can separate us, but for your choosing […]

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          Let kindness show The Way for all you do today.  The light, you are creating, will lead you, as you make choices of compassion and understanding.  You will be the bringer of light wherever there is shadow, or darkness.  You will not be so tempted to harshness or a mean-spirited approach to […]

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          When the sun does rise, and blesses Earth, with its light, there is birth.  The birth of a new day comes, and it shall not be stopped.  Every day is made new.  The sun casts its light, and warmth is felt by all, no matter whether they are rich or poor, sick […]

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