Tag Archives: joy

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        Recall, the most beautiful sunset, that you have seen, and seek, the sunset.  Recall, the most beautiful sunrise, you have seen, and seek, the sunrise.  Remember, the holding, of your breath, at the sight, of a field, of flowers, and seek, the field, of flowers.  Be, the seeker, of sunrise, and sunset, and […]

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          “I AM with you.  I AM with you as you set the course for this new day.  I will walk with you, along the course you set, for this new day.  And as we walk, together, the course, of the day, will become sacred, in every way, not just because I AM […]

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        I give you a song to sing.  So, sing it, and let it ring-out over all the Earth.  For, the song, I send you to sing, is a song of truth, and grace, and mercy, and love.  And the song is filled with light.  It is a story of My love for you.  […]

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        You will walk, many miles, during your lifetime, upon Earth.  You will see, many things, and meet, many people.  But there is one thing, I wish for you to consider, and it would be good to begin, today.  No matter how young you might be, in years, it is never too early to […]

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          The way to joy, and peace, is through quiet contentment, with what you have.  Do not waste your time, longing for that, which is not with you, now.  Celebrate, and be thankful, for that, which is with you, now.  It is in this way, you find contentment; and within contentment, you will […]

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        When you create love, that love, you create, lives, and it never dies.  When you create joy, joy lives.  It never dies.  When you create doubt, or fear, or worry, these too, never die.  And that makes it possible to be in the midst of plenty, but still have doubt, and worry, and […]

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