Tag Archives: harmony

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            Peace will rise from the ashes of chaos as the Phoenix.  Calm will be the sustaining power over turmoil.  Quiet will stifle the roar of fear and doubt.  These things will happen when we are in harmony, as you come to know I AM with you, always.  We are One.  When you know […]

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            In quiet you have rested.  In My presence you did stay, and we talked, as we walked, you on Earth, Me with you.  In the walking and talking so much surrendered to peace.  And the peace came on the breath of truth.  When I was with you, nothing rose up, to defy the […]

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            As the days pass, and you become immersed in the tasks, and the joys, of each day, remember to set some time away from the material to sit with Me, so a balance is struck and you are at peace, with all that is.  And The Holy Spirit says:            Glorious days and […]

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          Sometimes, there is snow, on the ground.  At other times, there are flowers, all around.  But then, there are the sacred times, when snow and flowers merge.  And up through the snow comes the birth, of the daffodil, yellow, radiant.  These sacred times, of union, of snow, and flower, give you a […]

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  Unity is a beautiful thing. For when there is unity, people are in accord; they share the same spirit. They desire the same things. They work together for the same purpose. In unity, there is harmony. In unity there is peace. There is much dis-unity in the world. Many people are working toward opposite […]

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        “I AM with you.  I AM with you today, tomorrow, forever, just as I have been with you, in the past.  This is a new day.  And there are experiences, set before you.  And the way you meet these experiences, and become one with the experience, will determine what you know, what you […]

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