- 13
- Aug
- 2022
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
Creation continues, and it starts in your thoughts. And as you think, and wish, and pray, your thoughts grow, in intensity. That, which you create, in your thought, comes to life, when you speak it. So, be mindful, of your thoughts, for, within your thought there is the seed. And when you […]
Continue Reading...- 08
- May
- 2022
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When you eat, a carrot, the nutrients, all, that is in the carrot, moves through your body. The carrot is digested, and held, within your body, until it is time to release. When you drink, refreshing, clean water, it moves, throughout your body. And your body takes in, that which was held, […]
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