Tag Archives: God’s Great Creation

Home / Posts tagged "God’s Great Creation"

            Open your eyes with love, the love which flows from your heart, from deep within you.  Touch every person you meet with the energy of love, which flows from your heart, from deep within you.  Do this and know, it is how I love thee, from deep within My being.  You were born […]

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              If you can see, or envision, fields of wheat, grain, look deeper.  They might stretch, for what appears to be miles to your eyes.  And as the breeze moves through, the wheat, the grains, wave to you, appearing golden, in the light of the sun.  They have sprung-up from Mother Earth.  Now, […]

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            When the days are long, and it does not matter whether they are rainy days, or sunny days, stormy days, or tranquil days, they give you extra time to spend, looking, watching, observing nature unfold all around you.  Watch the flowers, as they move, from bud to fully blossomed.  Watch the fruit trees […]

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          Rise-up, all born of Earth, the rich, fertile soil, the waters, all things of Earth.  Be still in honor of that, which sustains life.  Gather near.  Be quiet, so you might hear, a heart-song, from humanity, to you.  Rise-up all humans, born onto the Earth, draw near to all things of nature.  […]

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