Tag Archives: God within you

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          You have marveled at, the great cathedrals, the soaring spires, of churches, temples, and synagogues, built for the glory, My Glory.  But I will tell you, which cathedrals, and soaring spires, of thought, and vessels, are more valuable, to Me, than these built of brick, and mortar, and stone, and wood, and […]

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        Do not hold anything, within you, that blocks your acknowledging My presence, within you.  For My presence, within you, is true.  So, whatever is there, blocking you, see it, and rid yourself of it, especially anything to do with an unworthiness of sitting with God.  There is nothing that you can do, you […]

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          There will come, to visit you, a temptation, to hide your sadness, and sorrow, weakness, and pain, wounds, and tears, and rise-up, every day, and wear the façade, that is not necessary, at all.  For those of you, hiding your pain, I stand at the doorway, and look in, reach-out My hand, […]

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  Come today and enjoy the beauty of my creation. Gaze up into the sky. Ponder the vastness. Sit in the grass. Observe all the different blades—shapes and sizes and colors. Stand on a rock. Consider the material it is made of and how it came to be. Put your feet in some water, and […]

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          No matter how much the world tried to convince you that I do not exist, I do.  And just because it is said, many times, that I do not exist, I do.  The reason you cannot be dissuaded from knowing, I exist, is that you know it, within your soul, and your […]

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