Tag Archives: God with you

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            I will lift you up, as if you are floating upon a leaf, slowly descending to the stream below.  And then, I will move thee, you, and the leaf, to go wherever the stream takes you to go.  Passing the banks of the stream, on either side, onward, you and the leaf, I […]

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            I will not leave thee.  I will laud thee, as you did come from Me, and you are My child.  You are with Me.  Now and forever, you are to rest in My arms.  I will hold you gently, and in the holding you will remember how cherished you are to Me, yes […]

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          There is not one hair, on your head, or anywhere on your body, that I do not know.  There is not one tear, you have shed, from your eyes, that I do not know.  There is not one prayer, you have uttered, or cried-out, that I do not know.  I know because I AM […]

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            When all things seem to fail you, when you look around, and no one is standing next to you, but air, when the tears you cry in the night roll down your cheek, and wet the pillow beneath your head, be still, breathe in and out, and whisper My name.  For, I AM […]

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    Give Me your hand, as you feel yourself slipping beneath the waters of fear, and I shall resurrect you, drawing you into My presence, with you.  Anxiety shall not lap over your head, closing out the light, as you are drawn downward into an abyss, because you shall rise-up with Me, into the […]

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            Let your every care slip away, for I AM with you, all The Way.  And that which comes, though daunting it might seem, there is The Light, within you, and it is brilliant.  It shimmers.  It shines.  It is you.  It is Me.  We are One.  So, if you take this to your […]

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              In the summertime, when twilight moves and settles, there comes preparation for the night, and the time of twinkling lights, signaling from treetops, bushes, and grasses, “I am here.  I am here.”  And in the sweetness of that hushed, hallowed time, remember, “I AM here.  I AM here.  I AM here, with […]

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