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            When the sun does rise, sleep still in your eyes, the peace of slumber gives way to the joy of a new day.  And at each rising, I AM there, with you, seeing the colors of morning, hearing the song of the bird.  Something new is beginning.  Can you feel it in the […]

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          “I AM with you.  Be joyful in the knowing of this.  For, I AM truly, with you.  When you take this to your heart, and really know it, your life changes, you are altered in a most joyous way, for you know you are never alone.                      “Family, friendship, even saying […]

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        Can you imagine what you will say, when you stand with Me, once you return fully to spirit?  Whatever you are imagining, say it, now.  Forego the idea that you are not with Me, in the present piece of eternity, in which you reside.  The only difference is you are wearing a cloak […]

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          As you move through this day, see yourself, moving in a circle, moving, constantly moving, in a circle.  And then, when you finish, that one area of the day, be it work, or play, see yourself, effortlessly, moving, to another circle, as if they had touched briefly, and then move on.  And […]

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          The river follows the way, the path, therefore it will get where it is to go, only to be drawn up, into the sky, and then, settled on Earth, again, as rain.  The seasons, follow the way, one moving into the next, until it comes, to begin, again.  Each day follows another, […]

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        The wind, and the storm, the rains, and the sun, all, of these things, impact the surface, of Earth.  They change the mountains, and the rivers, and the valleys, and the canyons.  Mother Earth is changed, by these things.  Your body is changed, by exercise, or lack of exercise.  Your body is changed, […]

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          “I AM with you.  I reach-out My hand.  I whisper your name.  I call you to rise-up, and walk, with Me.  Let us walk in the garden, that you know as Earth, and I will whisper, and show you things, talk about the unseen things, which created that which you see.  The […]

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