Tag Archives: fear not

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                That which is created within the environment of fear is destined to hold not only the energy of fear but also bear, within it, the power of fear.  The presence of fear can ultimately bond, constrain, and strip you of the ability to move.  The presence of fear can obliterate freedom.  […]

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            Come, and let Me hold you in the hours of the new day.  The rising sun will warm you.  Remnants of dew will form, as glistening gemstones, each droplet clinging to a blade of grass, or a leaf on the tree.  And the sun will warm them too, as they make their way […]

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          As I see you, as I hold you, every day you walk upon the Earth, I see you, and know you, and love you, as your worth, and the treasure, you carry within, is eternal, and it all flows from My love for you.  This worth, this treasure, is not limited to […]

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