Tag Archives: Eternal Life

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  No matter where you are, today, if you look, you will find a little seed.  And that seed holds promise of a new life, a life blossoming, and blooming, living.  My child, within each of you there is a seed.  That seed is of Me.  That seed is your promise of a new life, […]

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        “I AM with you.  Hear Me.  I AM with you.  Feel My presence, stirring with thee, for it is all truly one.  Heaven is with you, now.  I AM with you, now.                               “You might think that Heaven awaits you.  And through the process of your physical body, your earthly body passing, ending, […]

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          Let all things fall from thee, as I AM there, with you.  My presence is with you, as you think, and say, and do.  Embrace the light of this day.  Breathe it into your body, drawing it deep, within your lungs, holding it, and blessing it, and releasing it, as a prayer […]

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        “I AM with you.  Perhaps, you feel My presence.  Perhaps, you hear My whisper.  Perhaps, you know I AM with you, now and forever.  I come to encourage you, on your earthly travel, today.  So, let us not look beyond today.  Let us not look to the past.  Let us walk, into the […]

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          What does it take, for a tree, to grow strong and tall, reaching toward the sky?  It takes rich soil, water, sunlight, and the roots, of the surrounding community, of trees, moving through the soil, supporting, engaging, caressing, nurturing, weaving a grid of sustaining energy, one tree to another.  And, when one […]

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          “I AM with you.  Be still and feel My presence.  It is slight, tender, gentle, touching you, from within; yet, the vibration, of the experience, moves over your skin.  And the chills, of the encounter, are real.  Feel My presence.                      “As I walked upon the Earth, thousands of years ago: […]

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          Your every breath is telling you, you live, upon Earth.  Every exhalation is your affirmation of life.  I breathe into you the breath of eternal life, and every breath of life is telling you, you live, forever.  Every prayer, silently spoken, seeking connection with Me, and all that is holy, is your […]

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