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          “I AM with you.  Yes, you do feel My presence, with you.  When you are still, and there is quiet, in the stillness, you feel the presence, in the quiet, you hear My whisper, and you know, I AM there, with you.                    “I wish to address something that each […]

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          All, which I created, is still moving, still flowing.  That energy, that creation, will never die.  The present piece, of the eternal, is with you, now.  You are living it.  You are living in it.  You are it.  Slow your pace, today, and look around.  Notice, what is happening, because it is […]

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            I wish for you to know, if only for one hour, of this day, how knowing My Presence, with you, alters your perspective, in a most powerful way.  Knowing My Presence, with you, within you, hearing the Still, Small Voice, with you, within you, shatters all doubt, eliminates all hesitation, and […]

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        “I AM with you.  I AM with you.  There are those who reject this.  There are those who will admit its possibility.  There are those who embrace it.  I AM with you.  There is no need for you to understand it, completely, for you to feel it, completely.  I AM with you.  Feel […]

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        Look around you.  Breathe-in, deeply.  Breathe in the sanctity, of all creation, carried to you, upon The Wind.  Breathe it in; for, you are walking, within a place, that is sacred, by My creation, of it.  You are moving through it, without even noticing it, focusing on the material, the mundane.  Do not […]

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        A boat, will sit in the water, going nowhere, until a form of energy is used, to bring the boat to motion, to travel over the water.  The energy can be fossil fuel, but it also can be the wind, the sun, the water.  The energy can even be the human being, paddling, […]

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        I give you a song to sing.  So, sing it, and let it ring-out over all the Earth.  For, the song, I send you to sing, is a song of truth, and grace, and mercy, and love.  And the song is filled with light.  It is a story of My love for you.  […]

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