Tag Archives: ego

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          You are growing weary, and tired, and it is because you are laboring under a false assumption.  And that false assumption is that your strength is within you, it is you: you must be strong; you must shoulder each task, each concern.  Your strength, your true strength, is within Me.  If you […]

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          “I AM with you.  I AM with you, in your thoughts.  I AM with you, in your words.  I AM with you, in your deeds.  I AM with you.  We are One.  You have set aside certain things to believe this Oneness.  And so, I walk with you, and I speak of […]

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          Be open, and aboveboard, regarding what you are doing, or what you are planning to do.  Do not plot, in the shadows.  Do not conceive, and give birth to, ideas, and plans, in darkness.  Throw open the doors.  Open the windows.  Come out into the light, so that all might see what […]

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