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        I have breathed, My Breath, into you.  I have sent My Spirit, My Breath, to dwell, within you.  I have given you The Gift of free will.  Your options are endless.  But you must choose.  With every breath, you take into yourself, there comes the seed of creation.  As My Holy Spirit is, […]

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          When that of Heaven whispers to that of Earth, so compelling are the words, that, that of Earth rises-up to see the revelation, the creation, the birth.  And in that moment, bound as one, that of Earth, and that of Heaven sit, together, as one.  And in that sacred space, there is […]

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          Listen to the wind.  Listen to the messages, carried upon the wind.  For, the wind is speaking, and singing, for you.  It will continue, carrying the messages, speaking, and singing.  Even if you ignore the wind, it follows you.  All of My creation is, as a symphony, playing for you.  Do not […]

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          Light.  Light has been with Me, from the beginning.  It is.  It was.  It permeates all of My creation.  There is light at the core, of all creation.  And there is light at the core, of you.  My Spirit dwells, within you.  Do not ignore The Light, The Spirit, within you, tending […]

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          All, which I created, is still moving, still flowing.  That energy, that creation, will never die.  The present piece, of the eternal, is with you, now.  You are living it.  You are living in it.  You are it.  Slow your pace, today, and look around.  Notice, what is happening, because it is […]

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          Creation continues, and it starts in your thoughts.  And as you think, and wish, and pray, your thoughts grow, in intensity.  That, which you create, in your thought, comes to life, when you speak it.  So, be mindful, of your thoughts, for, within your thought there is the seed.  And when you […]

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        Do not allow fear, or doubt, or anxiety, to become the ingredients of any of your creations.  No matter what you are doing, right now, no matter what you are creating, right now, cleanse yourself of these ingredients, before they spoil, your creation.  Once created, with these energies, it can be a challenge […]

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