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       My constant wish for you is that you see where you are, upon the Earth, My creation, a garden, growing, evolving, strengthening, showing, every minute of the day, how to live, as one.  Today, look around you.  Find the example.  See how it all works, together.  And then, slip yourself into it, within […]

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               Look around you, right where you are, now.  Look around.  What do you see?  If you cannot find one thing representing the natural world, one flower, one plant, one rock, one grain of sand, then go out and find one.  Bring it back and set it in a place of dignity, so […]

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.             You, and you alone, are the creator, and the sustainer, of your thoughts.  You, and you alone, are the tender, and the nurturer, of the garden of your thoughts.  And when that thought has mellowed, and ripened, within you, you bring it forth, into the dimension, wherein you reside.  It is from […]

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          “I AM with you.  It is not impossible.  All things are possible.  If you can think of it, it is possible.  For, if it was impossible, you would not fathom it.  Consider this.  If you think it, it is possible to do.                                       “Creation.  It remains a mystery, a puzzle, something […]

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              Take that which I have given unto you, this day, and make of it a shining light of gratitude in all you do.  For, today you have the opportunity to create, a creation of all that you bring forth from your thought.  So, do not limit your creations, today.  Let them flow, […]

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    Breathe-in the beauty, all around you. Do not take it for granted. Look, and see, and know, what is set before you, no matter where you are. Seek beyond the confines of your room, or your home, or your school, or your office, wherever you. Go beyond. Walk barefoot in the grass. Touch […]

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          Let a leaf call your attention.  Allow the insect to reveal its colors.  Permit the sun to shine upon your face.  And open to My love.  Accept My grace. And The Holy Spirit says:        Great freedom belongs to those who walk in nature, and see it, as it truly is, The […]

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