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            Do not be torn by which way to go, or what to do, or say.  Be still, and seek guidance, from My Holy Spirit, within you.  The ways of the world are not My ways.  They will often tempt you through distractions.  Listen for the whisper, from within, and follow.  If you are […]

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            Do not hesitate to release the old to embrace the new.  All life changes as it grows and reaches beyond.  Creation continues, within you, with every breath you take.  You do not think as you did when you were a child.  As your grew in stature and matured with age, concepts changed, embracing […]

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              Whenever you are tempted to unkind, hurtful thoughts of another, stop the thought at once.  Go no farther into the energy of anger, jealousy, greed or any other ill-advised energy.  For when you spend time contemplating shadowy images of another you are spreading seeds of weeds within.  Left untended they will spring […]

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              Where does the doubt come from?  Why is doubt so difficult to resolve with faith?  The seeds of doubt are sown, scattered throughout thought.  The seeds can come from what you hear others say, or what you see others do, from what you read, even classes you take.  When you hear, or […]

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        I wish for you to know the ways of quiet, and stillness.  And when I say the ways of quiet and stillness, I AM addressing, that which you carry within you, the quiet, and stillness of peace.  The outside world will give you much stimulation, and distract you, and draw you into worry, […]

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       If you are called to take a hike, a very long hike, possibly across the state in which you live, one of the first things you do is to gather items, to put in your backpack, which you might use, when the need arises.  And you start out, on your hike, and […]

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          Resist the temptation, to wring your hands, to lash-out in anger, when times of challenge, and trauma, come to you.  Do not throw yourself this way, or that way, and do not scream out for revenge.  The temptation will be great to do this, when traumatic, or dramatic, events occur around you, […]

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