Tag Archives: comfort

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          “I AM with you.  I AM with you as you set the course for this new day.  I will walk with you, along the course you set, for this new day.  And as we walk, together, the course, of the day, will become sacred, in every way, not just because I AM […]

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          At the present time, you can speak, into a device, and make contact, with someone, on the other side of the world.  You can talk, and share ideas, in this way.  But to connect with Me, to talk, and speak, with Me, to share your ideas, with Me, there is no need […]

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        There is a place, for you to go, unique to each of you; but each of you will know, when you have found, that place to go, to sit in quiet, and speak with Me.  And as we talk, I will tell you, of the love I have for you.  And this love, […]

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        When you thirst, for truth, I will quench your thirst.  When you hunger, for mercy, I will feed you, and you will hunger no more.  When you long, for comfort, and peace, I will wrap you, in My peace, and you will be comfortable, within My arm.  When you lack, whatever you lack, […]

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          When turbulent times are upon you, and you feel as if you are holding onto a piece of the ship that has gone down, just managing to keep your head above the water, call My Name, and come to Me.  As you rest in Me, I will give you comfort.  You will […]

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          I wish for you to know the power of knowing who you are.  You are My child.  You know the power of knowing who you are, in the physical world, something, a bit, about you parents, or grandparents, or family members.  This knowing gives you power to settle comfortably into who you […]

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          I love you, with all that I AM, I love you.  All that I AM, I give unto you, because I love you.  I do not love more upon one, than I do another, because I AM love.  Therefore, the constant love flows, from Me, without checking.  You will find truth, and […]

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