- 27
- Aug
- 2022
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
The river follows the way, the path, therefore it will get where it is to go, only to be drawn up, into the sky, and then, settled on Earth, again, as rain. The seasons, follow the way, one moving into the next, until it comes, to begin, again. Each day follows another, […]
Continue Reading...- 25
- Mar
- 2022
- Posted byThe Quiet Place
- inDaily Message
When you were born, onto the Earth, you were as a pebble, dropped in a vast, smooth, pristine lake. And, as the pebble, did to the lake, you had an impact, on all those, around you. As with the pebble, there was as ripple effect, forming a circle, all around you. The impact, at […]
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