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            For those who rise, when the day is young, there is a reward, the rising of the sun.  Many times, it is quiet.  But then, there are the days when the event is marked by an amazing array of reds, and pinks, blues and golds, exploding over the morn, announcing, with colors, as […]

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              Take that which I have given unto you, this day, and make of it a shining light of gratitude in all you do.  For, today you have the opportunity to create, a creation of all that you bring forth from your thought.  So, do not limit your creations, today.  Let them flow, […]

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          Realize the brevity of your lifetime, upon Earth, not with fear, or worry, but with a sense of urgency, that you have a set time, to accomplish your goal, your mission.  So, do not be distracted, by all that is swirling around you.  Realize, that you have your moment, and it is […]

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        Humility is not self-deprecation.  True humility is the celebration of what we do, together, you and I.  It is celebrating Me, and The Gifts, that I have given thee, and the working, together, to accomplish a goal of unity, for all that is.  This is humility, the celebration of you, and Me, and […]

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          The path to glorious perfection begins with one step at a time, one word of kindness, one deed of compassion, one thought of mercy, and love, and light.  You must begin with the smaller things, because then, all together those small things, ring-out, and sing-out, a song.  And that song is of […]

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            When you are in the midst of celebration, let the celebration be long, and rich, and fill you.  If the celebration is in quiet, and peace, and stillness, breathe it in, and let it fill you.  If the celebration is in song, and dance, breathe it in, and let it fill […]

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          When you find the strength, and the courage, and the faith, to rise-up, and do, that which I ask you to do, there will always come the day, when you will stand, in My light, at the precipice, looking out, to see all that was set in place, so that you might […]

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