Tag Archives: bless

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                You have made it this far, yet there is more to do, farther to go, much to see, on your journey of destiny, and it can all be done walking next to Me.  Do not release the lessons of the past, as they are of wisdom, more valuable than gold.  Yet, […]

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            Passing through the doorway of the new can be difficult, if you are trying to bring with you all the baggage of the past.  So, before the crossing of the threshold, into more life than you have known before, let us sit, and sift, and sort; and by doing so, we will, together, […]

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                Do not hang your head in shame or guilt.  Look to Me, and I will say to you, all your heart is longing to hold and cherish.  For that which I say, will be that I love you, no matter what you do.  And that is truth.  It is the eternal […]

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            When words of rejection pierce your heart as an arrow, I will heal the wound with the balm of My love for you.  This is not an empty promise.  It is the pouring out of My longing to hold you, My child, within My embrace, and wipe all pain from your being.  Your […]

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            Be mindful of that which you say.  Thoughtfully select each word, as if was a treasure of great value.  For, your words fall upon the ears of others, are absorbed by others, touch the heart of others.  Your words have the ability to bless, or to curse.  Do not spew them from your […]

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              The ravages and wounds of hatred and retaliation are deep, marking the carrier with the seeds, waiting to sprout, growing in the garden within.  This is not a garden of goodness.  It is a garden of despair, and the promise of fruit to come is of bitterness, growing there.   When tempted to […]

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          Every day you are given the opportunity to bless many people.  They pass you on the street, or in a hallway, they flow in and out of your day.  Sometimes, their circumstances call attention to them, how they are dressed, what they are saying, or doing.  What is your response, to the […]

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