Tag Archives: beautiful

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            There is a tree which grows from a rock, high up in a mountainous setting, where the winds do blow, and storms can be fierce.  Yet, that tree continues to grow, clinging to the rock, as its anchor in each tempest.  As the tree grows, its branches bear marks of its trials and […]

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        Stand on a mountaintop, and look down, into the valley, below you.  It is beautiful.  Stand in the valley, and look up, at the mountaintop.  It is beautiful.  Stand, on the sand, at the shore, and look out, at the vastness, of the ocean.  It is beautiful.  Wherever you stand, in nature, look.  […]

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          My creation is worthy of another look, a second glance.  It is worthy of your attention.  Do not busy yourself, to the point, that you move around, all through the day, with your head down, letting nothing stand in your way.  For, I say unto you, let the dandelion stand in your […]

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