Tag Archives: be quiet

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          Take a minute, to remember, someone that you read about, or heard about, or know, who stepped, into a place, with an enlightened message, which exhibited, to all, who would look, and see, and hear, that God is with you; someone, whose message was so clearly, of spirit, that there was no […]

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          When the words, of another, seem as if they are growing in intensity, close to aggressive, tempting you to react in kind, be still, be quiet.  They are literally giving you a piece of their mind.  And as the words flow, getting louder, and louder, listen; but go into the words.  Go […]

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          How, can I teach thee, when, you will not be still?  How, will you hear Me, if, you will not be quiet?  I speak, but you turn your head, because you are too busy, to be still, and quiet.  I say unto you, make the time, to be still, and quiet.  And […]

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          Many of you, listening to these words, or reading these words, are in a time of preparation, for a celebration, a celebration of the birth of The Child, upon Earth.  And, as all women know, as the time of birth draws near, everything gets still.  They, themselves, move slower.  The child, within, […]

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          I wish for you to go deeper, in your relationship, with Me.  I love you.  Do not leave Me.  I love you.  Feed our relationship, with attention.  You make time, once a week, maybe more, to go to church, or a service, or a meeting, or a gathering, and join others, in […]

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          You are wandering.  You are going astray.  You are losing your way.  You are caught-up in the turmoil, and motion, and the doing of this, and the doing of that; and it leaves no time for quiet reflection, and sitting with Me, in peaceful solitude, so you can see what you need […]

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