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            Let worry flow from you as if it was carried on a gentle stream.  If you set your mind to this, close your eyes, and let it go, you will feel it slipping away.  And as you do this, you will notice you begin to feel My presence with you, in a more […]

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            Come, let us speak of the joy of forgiveness, and how it will free you from the prison created within.  You see, by creating and carrying the energies of anger and resentment, they are nurtured by you.  When you focus on these thoughts, they grow, and soon begin to show their powerful presence […]

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          It can seem a long journey, that lifetime you are living, upon Earth.  And at times, along that path, you feel lost, and alone, even as you look around, and see hundreds of people, walking next to you, and ahead of you, behind you, all moving in a flow, yet you feel, […]

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        “I Am with you.  We are one.  And, as we are one, so is all one.  It will take some time for that to settle, within you.  But, if you will be still, and quiet, you will know this truth.  You will know, from within.  Once you know, the knowing cannot be taken […]

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          When you find it necessary to push-down, within yourself, disappointment, anger, frustration, denial, these things stay pushed-down, until, like the action of a volcanic eruption, the stress, the pressure, the heat, the inner turmoil, and energy, force an eruption, and that, which was held within, is scattered, to the wind.  You can […]

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            Not knowing, what to do about something, can make you nervous, and anxious.  Trying to make a decision, or a choice, when you are not sure of the decision, or the choice, can make you nervous, anxious, upset your stomach, bring on a weariness that is difficult to describe.  Before your […]

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        Do not allow fear, or doubt, or anxiety, to become the ingredients of any of your creations.  No matter what you are doing, right now, no matter what you are creating, right now, cleanse yourself of these ingredients, before they spoil, your creation.  Once created, with these energies, it can be a challenge […]

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