Tag Archives: anger

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        Bring me your anxiety, and I will give you confidence.  Bring Me your fear, and I will give you love.  Bring Me your doubt, and I will give you truth.  Bring me your anger, and I will give your My peace.  Bring Me your sorrow, and I will give you joy.  Bring Me […]

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          Sometimes, as you start the day, temptations come to you, luring you into shadow, and darkness: with thoughts, of anger, or frustration; with thoughts, of envy; with thoughts, of other individuals, which are not of the light.  When these thoughts come to you, cast them out, outright.  If you pay attention, to […]

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          “I AM with you.  I AM with you as you set the course for this new day.  I will walk with you, along the course you set, for this new day.  And as we walk, together, the course, of the day, will become sacred, in every way, not just because I AM […]

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          Pull down the cobwebs of fear.  Wipe away the dust of doubt.  Cleanup the debris of anger, and hatred, and jealousy.  Clear away all those thoughts, emotions, and energies, that are obstructing our complete communion, within you.  I AM with you, no matter what is happening in the world, around you, with […]

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          Do not lament the past.  Do not fear what the future will bring.  Live in the present, and dance, and sing, and be joyful.  It is not necessary for you to labor under the burden of shame, or guilt, or anger, or frustration, about things of the past.  Forgive, all things, and […]

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    The last day of the year presents the opportunity to address unresolved anger, frustration, even hatred, that you might hold, within you, from a relationship, or an event.  Even though the relationship, or the events, might have ended, it is possible to carry the residue, within you, the energies, within you.  And the […]

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        Whenever sickness, or an ailment, enters your body, you will be well, sooner: if you cleanse your body; if you wear clean clothing; if you rest, and drink fluids; if you change your perspective, to getting better, to healing, to standing in the light of the sun, to breathing in wellness, and exhaling […]

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