Tag Archives: alone

Home / Posts tagged "alone"

          Be quiet, as you pray.  Be still.  Create a love, within you, so deep, so full, so real, and allow it to co-mingle, with My love, flowing into you.  And, in this state, with your love, and My love, creating a new energy, feel, beneath your feet, the pulse, of life, in […]

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          It can seem a long journey, that lifetime you are living, upon Earth.  And at times, along that path, you feel lost, and alone, even as you look around, and see hundreds of people, walking next to you, and ahead of you, behind you, all moving in a flow, yet you feel, […]

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          Even when you feel lost and alone, you are not alone, for I AM with thee.  My Holy Spirit dwells, within you.  Heaven is with thee.  So, whenever you feel lost, stop.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Be not anxious, nor afraid.  Call My name.  Whisper My name.  And in the calling, in […]

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