- 27
- Jan
- 2025
Spirit of God Mediation 5 – Introduction – Boldly Following The Voice Within
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InThe Quiet Place Meditations
Sanctuary, The
Spirit of God Meditation #5:
Boldly Following The Voice Within
Welcome to The Spirit of God Meditation,
“Boldly Following The Voice Within.”
Come! Now, come! It is time! And you are ready! Awaken,
and come; for I AM calling from within. Feel the stirring. Now,
begin! Slowly, silently, come. You know The Way; for you have
traversed the corridors, of your sacred-self, many times before; and
with each journey within, you found the chamber, opened the door,
and crossed-over the threshold, into a solitary sanctuary, to sit with
God, to be healed in the light of God; and to be taught by God, in
all things, in all ways! Today, you open your heart to the love of
God completely, willing to live in the light of God, willing to be
moved by the hand of God; and, with your heart open, and the
light of God, shining all about you, you begin to move. The
Breath of Spirit moves you from the place of remember-
ing, into the place of knowing! I call you to kneel
at the altar, of all that is holy, to move into
The Spirit of God, where there is
so much more, waiting for you.
Open to all of the possibilities
which have gone unnoticed, or
avoided, in the past. Sing-out that you are
stepping-out, in a walk of faith, breaking-out of the mold,
as a butterfly emerging from the cocoon, boldly embracing life
upon Earth with enthusiasm, renewed, refreshed, and rejuvenated.
Do not hold back! Wake-up! And see the light, “knowing,” this is
your adventure, your journey, a lifetime you will remember through-
out eternity. Where will you go; what will you do on this monumental
quest? Follow The Voice, within announcing for all to hear, “I am here
God! I am still. I am silent. I am ready. Today God, I am ready!”