Home / Daily Message / September 4, 2024

September 4, 2024


          Living begins, in a most extraordinary fashion, when you are willing to rise up, as a spiritual being, first and foremost.  Once done, this exercise is rewarded as the physical body follows, to perfection, meeting the elegance of the spirit with its own true destiny, to dance as one, with all that is.  This undertaking is called an exercise because there are few instructions on how to accomplish such a goal.  I say unto you, do not try to fit the parts of your being into a box of physical teachings, denying the spiritual.  Allow yourself to step into this true living as a child, accepting that which I teach you, and following through, with complete trust.  This way of living is not achieved by artfully arranging the teaching of the material world or reconstructing the intellectual pursuits of human nature.  It is realized by delving into your own spirit and soul, where you will gain spiritual wisdom, knowing you are not taking the journey alone.  I AM with you as We are One.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Before time, God set into place that I would come into the physical body to be The Counselor, The Advocate, The Comforter.  When you sit with me, your decisions, based on our communion, will be ascending, infused with The Wisdom of God.  They will not bear the baggage of the material world, but the light of wisdom.  I AM always with you.  We are One.