Home / Daily Message / September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024


          When events seem to pile up around you, creating a wall, isolating you from others, come.  Together we will sift through the events, and watch the wall fall, piece by piece.  And then, once we have measured event by event, you will see and know.  There will be no temptation to point a finger of blame or lift the voice in shame of yourself or others.  I ask you, consider, as your first action, to come to Me.  So often there is the temptation to go to others around you first, seeking answers.  When all along your first thought should be to come to Me.  Come.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Be still and quiet and listen, for I AM speaking, whispering from within.  It is not necessary to become overwhelmed by the events and situations of the day, even those which might appear threatening.  You are in the midst of creation continuing and continue it shall.  Set a course to sit in counsel with Me and you will clearly see all things have an order, even in the apparent chaos of the moment.  Be still and sit with Me.