- 21
- Sep
- 2023
September 21, 2023
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
Do not meet anger with anger. Do not meet jealousy with rebuke. Do not meet greed by pushing back. Do not be need or lack. Be filled with, My glory, and rise-up. For, you have what you need, and there is nothing you lack. So, when angry faces come too close, close your eyes, and think of Me, call My name, and you will see a peace you have not known before, in the face of anger. And it is the same with jealousy or greed. Do not meet them with fear. Know you have all you need. You lack, for nothing, for you are My child.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The world can be a tricky place. You can be fooled into thinking that someone is your friend, and find out, in the end, it was never so. You can be fooled by thinking that others are happier, or have more than you, and find out, in the end, it was not true. Focus your attention on God. Focus your attention on the still, small voice within that is Me, and all together we will walk the journey with thee. And you will face all hatred with love.