- 24
- Mar
- 2024
Pathway into Lent
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
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Pathway into Lent
“The date of the first observance of Palm Sunday is uncertain. A detailed description of a palm processional celebration was recorded as early as the 4th century in Jerusalem. The ceremony was not introduced into the West until much later in the 9th century.” (Learn Religions, Website) We all know the story, how Jesus sent disciples ahead to go into the village and ask for an unbroken donkey. And they did. Cloaks were placed on the donkey, and Jesus climbed upon and rode, making his entrance into Jerusalem, the donkey walking over palm branches, placed by people calling out “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” (Matthew 21:9, NIV) And so it was. We know the story.
There are many reasons why it is good to begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday. There is such history with which to sit, ponder, and pray. But for me, this has always been a time of teaching. The people crying out “Hosanna” one day would soon be the people crying out “Crucify him.” The lesson, for me, was that those who sing your praise one day, might be the ones who walk away the next. And even when a heart says one thing, social scrutiny might lead others to go another way. I do not say this to suggest that we be skeptical, untrusting, or judgmental. I say this so we might place our trust in God, and God alone. Of course we want people to like us, love us, support us, but that does not always happen. So, the safety net is the lap of God. It might be difficult to stand up for what you believe when it is not popular, when those around you might taunt you for your belief, when even family and friends back away, leaving you standing alone. But stand we can and will when we know God is standing with us.
By all means accept congratulations and applause for accomplishments but place your trust in God. Rise-up in glory and speak the words of God. Do not be afraid, for we are not alone. See yourself riding upon a donkey, crowds of people calling your name, as you make your way into a city, following what is yours to do. Sit with that, envision that, in prayer. Today I ask for The Holy Spirit to fill us and guide us to the truth of that triumphal entry so many years ago. I ask for direction and wisdom so that we might not count so much on what others say, but on what we are guided to do, so that in the absence of supporting voices of human beings we might be still and hear the creation of God, all of nature, singing, supporting, loving our every word, every move.
Thank you for walking with me on a journey into Lent. Peace be with you as we enter Holy Week.
The reading I have chosen today is from Luke 19:39-40
The Reading
March 24, 2024
“Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, order your disciples to stop.” 40 He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.” Luke 19:39-40