- 13
- Feb
- 2024
Pathway into Lent
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
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Pathway into Lent
Where did the word February come from? Since other months, like January, are named after Roman gods, one might naturally think February was named after the Roman god Februus. But, the word February comes from the Roman festival of purification called Februa, during which people were ritually washed. (Britannica) It is also the month of Passover and Exodus. (Wikipedia) And this fits our journey into Lent, during which we will be washing and purifying ourselves personally with each day that passes, with each step we take. Before we step into Lent, fully, there is the passage through Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, which we celebrate today. One of the fun facts found by searching the internet is that the origins of Mardi Gras can be traced to medieval Europe, passing through Rome and Venice in the 17th and 18th centuries to the French House of the Bourbons. From there, the traditional revelry of “Boeuf Gras,” or fatted calf, followed France to her colonies. More facts from Wikipedia are, Mardi Gras also known as Shrove Tuesday is the final day of Carnival or Shrovetide before Ash Wednesday, reflecting the practice of the last night of consuming rich, fatty foods in preparation for the fasting season of Lent. In the United Kingdom Mardi Gras is more usually known as Pancake Day or (traditionally) Shrove Tuesday, derived from the word shrive, meaning “to administer the sacrament of confession; to absolve. (Wikipedia)
It was fun finding facts to share about the beginnings days of Lent. So, here we are. It is Mardi Gras, a day to feast, dance, and celebrate the fruits of Earth before taking a spiritual journey, walking the path of Lent. Today, I will be celebrating with my son, and his family, and a dear friend, who is currently visiting. Our party will not be as loud and noisy as those in New Orleans, or other places around the globe, hosting official partying into the night. But the day will be joyful, just the same. And yes, there will be food involved, and perhaps a glass of wine or two. My prayer for each of you is that you find a way to celebrate the joys of Earth today, be it with family, friends, or simply by yourself, for tomorrow brings us to Ash Wednesday, which will begin our walk together along the Pathway into Lent. Thank you for walking with me.
The reading I have chosen today is from Song of Songs 2:3-4
The Reading
February 13, 2024
“Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste. Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love.” Song of Songs 2:3-4