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Path to Ascension


Path of Ascension


          A quick click with Google gives us the following.  The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord commemorates Jesus’ ascension into Heaven. Historically, this holy day has been celebrated 40 days after Easter Sunday – the Thursday in the sixth week of Easter. Most U.S. dioceses, however, have moved the celebration of the Ascension to the seventh Sunday of Easter.  Cambridge Dictionary gives us the following definition of ascension, the process of rising to a position of higher importance, rank, or success

           So now, we are in the time between The Resurrection and The Ascension.  It was a powerful time those thousands of years ago.  A time which was overflowing with the gentle reminders coming from The Teacher to The Followers.  My first thought was of a time most of us have experienced, perhaps even experienced both sides.  As we grow in the family unit, absorbing the teachings of the parent, there comes the time when we prepare to depart.  Before we head off to college, or a job in another town, the parent often speaks, reminding us of the lessons of our childhood, imparting wisdom so the way might be a bit easier for us.  I also think of the blessing of sitting with a loved one, during the time of their passing.  It is often the case, especially if it is a parent or grandparent, that they remind us of the lessons they tried to teach us, during our time together, our physical time together.  As you walk with me, observing The Resurrection to The Ascension, some of these thoughts might come to you, as well.  Jesus was saying goodbye, and the words were litanies of the teachings, some old, some newer.  He was preparing them for the time He would not physically be walking with them, teaching them, comforting them. 

              Thank you for walking this path with me, and for making the time to commit to observing the forty days from The Resurrection to Ascension Thursday.  There is much for us to learn, and we are ready to embrace the new and all which comes as we walk together, as one.

            The reading I have chosen today is from John 20:17

The Reading

April 7, 2024

“Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”  John 20:17

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