Home / Daily Message / October 9, 2024

October 9, 2024


          Closing your eyes and ears to disbelieving chants and slogans of fear and apprehension is the first step onto a new path, a journey into uncharted seas, and deserts, mountain peaks, and valleys.  The faint of heart will not know the illumination along The Way and will miss the revelation which is conveyed to the bold of spirit.  Your witness, your testimony, will not be of the mundane.  It will sing out of the divine.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Come forth and sing out for you heard the call, and you heeded the call.  The scales have been pulled from your eyes and the trappings rinsed from your ears.  You shall see and hear, and you shall know The Way.  The truth of God shall be your lamppost and My words your compass.  Come, let us sing out, for it is with you now.  The Present Piece of Eternity is with you, now.  Let us walk in it.