Home / Daily Message / October 24, 2022

October 24, 2022



      Do not fear Me.  What parent wants to be feared?  Come to Me in love.  I love you beyond what you can now imagine.  I love you with all that I AM, for I AM love.  Come to Me just as you are.  Do not hesitate, or wait, until you believe you are clean, and clear of debris.  No, do not stall at all.  I will wipe the tears from your eyes.  I will clean the wounds.  I will make all things right.  I will hold you, until you feel My presence, with you.  I will whisper, and you will hear.  And the words you hear will be of love, not fear.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       Open.  This is the day, for you to come, and walk The Way, and learn, by listening, The Ways of God, and carry memories with you, as you trod, the highways and byways of Earth.  We will be with you, will show you The Way, and come the end, of every day, you will pause, and stop to pray.  It will not be fear that prompts you to say, prayers from you heart.  It will be joy, and celebration, as you will know I AM with you, all through the day, remaining with you as you say, “Amen.”


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