Home / Daily Message / October 20, 2024

October 20, 2024



          To experience the purity of joy it is necessary to surrender all your cares, worries, and concerns about the material to Me, trusting I will take care of thee, as an innocent young child believes the parent will provide what they need.  As you grow in the ways of the world, this, simple passing of the yoke, gets more difficult.  However, if you endeavor to give it all to Me, for even one hour, one day, you will begin to experience unencumbered joy.  And it is sweet, sweet enough for you to wish to do it again.  Soon, one hour, one day, will turn into a few days, a few weeks, longer periods of surrender, until it is complete, until you trust your Eternal Parent knows that which you need and shall provide it, with alacrity and speed.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Set down your worries and eat from The Tree of Life, rest under The Tree of Life, refresh next to The Living Waters, which flow to you wherever you go.  Embrace that which is yours and live.