- 14
- Oct
- 2024
October 14, 2024
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
Come into My arms, on the breath of My Holy Spirit and realize we are One. It is all one. The song of the bird is one with the air on which it rides. The fragrance of the flower is one with the dewdrop, which rests briefly upon its petals, before slipping toward the edge, seeking another place to be. The scurrying ant is one with the soil in which it makes it home. You are one with all around you. You are not separate from the ground, the rain, or the harvest of the garden. See yourself, not as an isolated observer, but as one with all you see.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Rest upon the grass, your back against the maple tree and breathe. Allow your fingers to touch the blades of grass and feel the life. Allow your back to merge with the trunk of the tree and feel the life. I have given life. Look and see and know that which I created, for it is all part of who you are. You are spirit first, and unto wholly spirit you shall return, continuing your eternal life with all which God created.