Home / Daily Message / November 9, 2022

November 9, 2022




      I wish you to take one step, with Me, understanding, fully, and completely, that, as you walk, upon the Earth, your experiences are important to Me.  We are so close that, as you learn, by experience, I too AM learning.  And I AM learning, through you.  You know creation is continuing.  It has never stopped.  It continues to expand, and grow, and move forward.  And as We, as The One, move forward within creation, all is expanding, and learning, and growing.  In this way, you are teaching Me, as I AM moving through eternity with thee.  Do not put Me on a lofty throne, where I sit, in a chamber, alone.  For, that is not the truth.  I AM not God to be feared.  I AM God, holding you near, as We move through eternity, together, as One, one life, experience after experience, continuing, growing, expanding, and knowing all there is to know, by sharing the life, The One.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       God is not separate from you.  Even though you might have been taught this, in many ways, know now, God is not separate from you.  You, and all creation, and God, are One.

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