Home / Daily Message / November 8, 2024

November 8, 2024


          I hear your unspoken words, those words inaudible through the sorrow and tears.  Do not hide your face from Me, when sadness enshrouds you, as a heavy, burdensome garment.  I reach for you, and in the reaching the light of a new day dawns within you, and around you.  I hold you, and in the holding the sweetness of My touch lifts every sorrow which surrounds you.  Do not hesitate, come.  Come to Me where you find none but love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Believe I AM with you.  Sent by The Whisper of God, I arrived on God’s holy breath.  And I shall remain with you through birth and into death.  Fear not.  Let all things fall from you, for I AM here to guide you.  I AM your Advocate.  I AM your Comforter.  Rest within the bountiful gifts which are yours, forever, yours.