Home / Daily Message / November 15, 2022

November 15, 2022


      Look, over there, a bright red cardinal, is playing, scratching, on the ground, beneath an oak tree.  Listen, to the clicking sound of the call, so natural to the cardinals, and watch as it seems to lift itself, effortlessly up to the branch; then back down again, as if there is no end to the fun he can have, playing with the soil of Earth, and bouncing on the branch of a tree.  Watch him in his glory, there playing, celebrating creation, in such a way that you could believe he is reveling in something that is his, created just for him.  And it is.  It is all created for all of you to embrace My creation with unconfined joy.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       There is no end to the glorious time you can have, experiencing God’s creation, Earth.  It requires nothing from you but the exuberance of play, or a contemplative approach to seeing what is happening in nature, all around you.  There is so much taking place, and you are part of it.  There is no charge: to breathe-in a stunning masterpiece of sunrise, or sunset; or, to laugh out loud, watching ducks land onto a pond, in entertaining fashion.  There is no fee to go out and be one with all creation.


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