Home / Daily Message / November 11, 2024

November 11, 2024



          Open your eyes to the natural beauty all around you.  Open your heart to the amazing human beings walking with you.  Each personal story is not apparent.  Each face does not reveal pain or hurt suffered through the years.  You might think you know your fellow beings, but I assure you, you do not.  You have not been below the surface.  You have not listened with your heart.  Now is the time to be still and listen, even when you do not agree.  Listen so you might know that which is held on another heart.  Speak heart to heart, and then you will come to know the story hidden behind the face presented to the world.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           It is easy to know a child and that which they desire, because they have not yet learned how to hide their feelings.  They laugh it out, or shout it out, or wail it out.  Their sadness wears no mask.  But as they grow, they begin to know how to hide their thoughts, feelings, and desires.  Touch the children with an understanding heart so they will come to you without fear of recrimination, knowing love is what they will receive.  The same can be said of peers.  Love beyond measure.  Meet anger, frustration, and desperation with your love, flowing as a river, inviting those around you to step into the water.  Be still, be quiet, listen, and know.


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