Home / Daily Message / June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024




          I AM love.  I AM the Source of All Love.  So, where does this put you, with regard to My love?  It puts you directly in the flow of My love, at all times.  Even when you turn your back on Me, My love still enfolds thee, and will not stop doing so.  You are the one designated to be the magnifier of My love.  You can embrace My love for you, magnify it, within your heart, and let it flow from you, continuing the stream of Love, coming from Me, directing it out into the world around you, without prejudice.  In this way, My love is magnified, by you, for others, who not only receive My love, flowing directly to them, but receive My love, flowing from you.  It is you who will change the world around you, creating tributaries of love, waters of grace, gifts of My Spirit, which will quench the thirst of the world with that which it needs. 

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Close your eyes and envision God’s love, streaming to every individual upon the Earth.  Now, imagine God’s love being magnified within each person, and released in a flow of love, one from the other, to the other, tributaries of love flowing, crisscrossing, bringing waters to quench the souls trapped in deserts of bitterness, distress, and great thirst.  It is not a dream.  It is reality waiting for you.