Home / Daily Message / May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024


          See Me in the morning, when the sun is rising, giving the world its light.  See Me in the evening colors, as the sun says good night, and the evening is as a blanket, spreading over the busyness of the day.  At all times I AM with you.  When comes the night, release the struggles of the day.  Rise up within the blessing of the dawning of a new day, ready to greet whatever comes your way, with Me.  I AM in love with you and will never depart from you.  In truth the opposite is happening.  I AM growing ever nearer to you, as we continue into eternity, cocreating as we move, no barriers, no limitations, only promises, fulfillment, and peace.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you have practiced, living in the present piece of eternity, you will succeed, and find there is no need for worry, concern, fear, or doubt.  For it is in the practice you will come to see, and rising, with your spirit, you will figure it out, and come to know I AM within you, always within you, guiding you, comforting you, advocating in ways you do not now know.  You are never alone.   Rise up, the new day is born, within you.