Home / Daily Message / May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024


          Where can you go to live within the gift of love every minute, of every day?  The answer is right where you are, now.  You might have heard it said, or possibly read, that God is Spirit, and God love.  Have you taken the time to study upon those word, and Who spoke them?  If you have taken that time, you have a deeper understanding of Me.  I do not have to try to love because I AM love.  All my creation continues within the energy of its birth, and that is love.  Just as you do not have to try to be you, I do not have to try to be love.  And I AM with you in all ways.  You are never without My presence, and My presence is love.  You have the opportunity to take that which I have given unto you and do the same.  With practice you will be able to open your arms and your heart to all those around you, to all that is around you, and offer the gift of unconditional love.  Try it.  Allow My love to flow through you out into the world in all you think, say, and do.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           There is nothing greater than love.  It is the energy of creation and precious is its progeny.