Home / Daily Message / March 8, 2024

March 8, 2024


          Rising-up from a deep sleep is best done slowly, with intention.  And when your eyes are open, and the light is taken in, that is when the new day will begin.  Let it begin with moments spent with Me, so I can encourage thee to rise, and let the light fill your eyes.  It will travel then, within you, illuminating all corners and cracks.  There will be no secrets, only joy at the living of it all.  Do not hurry.  Do not let worry overcome thee.  Ah, the morning is now with you.  Hold it briefly, then let it go, taking one breath after another, one step after another.  You are walking with eternity, so do it mindfully.  There is no need to rush into that which will be forever.  Savor every piece of that which is with you, for doing so will bring you peace with all that is with you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           You will never wish you had one more day, or to relive a day past, when you live in the moment, because all the minutes, the hours of that present piece of eternity, with you, will fill you with delight, until it is time for the night, and rest.