Home / Daily Message / March 7, 2025

March 7, 2025


          When does day become night, and when does night become day? It occurs more often than one might expect.  The brightest of days can seem as dark as the deep night when you are caught in the web of fear and doubt.  And, the darkest of nights can hold the brilliance of the brightest of days when you awaken, and allow My light to illuminate the shadows of your fears and doubts, revealing, as it does, truth, and wisdom, and love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           It takes determination and practice to alter the pattern of your thoughts so you might experience the joys of eternal life while you breathe the air of Earth.  But what seems impossible becomes conceivable for those who seek to speak to God, and to hear God, and to know God in a personal way.  For you see, without trying to experience eternal life while upon Earth, it is happening.  No matter whether you are embracing or denying the event, it is happening.  Eternity is now.


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