Home / Daily Message / June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024


          In the days of song, sing, participating fully in the experience, allowing it to pass through you, leaving understanding, so you might be present when others embrace the song.  In the days of sadness, be still and quiet, participating in the experience, allowing it to pass through you, leaving compassion so you might be present when others partake of sadness.  In the days of chaos, be calm, participating fully in the experience, allowing it to pass through you, leaving peace so you might be present when others meet chaos.  Do not allow your experiences to define you, binding you in stagnation.  Allow all experiences to come and go in the flow of your lifetime, gathering understanding and compassion along The Way, which will lead you onto The Path of Wisdom.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Allow yourself to grow in wisdom every day.  Do not run away from that which knocks upon your door.  Open the windows and the doors.  Romp in the meadows, meander along the shore.  Embrace what is with you, then release it to flow from you, leaving you the wiser for its coming.