Home / Daily Message / July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024




          That which is created within the environment of fear is destined to hold not only the energy of fear but also bear, within it, the power of fear.  The presence of fear can ultimately bond, constrain, and strip you of the ability to move.  The presence of fear can obliterate freedom.  Whenever the slightest tingle of fear invades your thoughts, be still, be quiet, and call My name.  Together we will take the journey into the intruder and find the source of the menace; for, there is always a source.  We will find that the source, while miniscule at its nucleus, left unacknowledged, will grow, as it is fed.  Refuse to feed fear.  Acknowledge the fear and I will show you the truth.  Then it shall be that in The Light of Truth you are set free from the power of fear.  Fear not, for I AM with you, always, and in all ways.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Fear not.  I AM with you and within you.  I AM The Way, The Sacred Compass, The Truth, The Light which shall show you The Way.  Seek not in the world for your freedom.  Come, we will take the journey within and find The Truth of God as it is revealed in The Light.  It is within The Truth of God that you shall find freedom.  You see, freedom is with you, and has been with you all the time.  Fear not, for you were created to be free.


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