Home / Daily Message / July 14, 2924

July 14, 2924


          When all around you seems pale, walk into the landscape of it and bring forth the colors you wish to see.  It is more than a possibility.  You can bring the color of the day as you walk along the waysides and city streets.  Dance with yellows and oranges.  Sing with reds and blues.  And when you love, use all the colors, all the hues of each one.  Let it be from moonlight to sun a radiant color scheme of your life, at that moment.  There will be times of stillness and quiet, when you wish to tone down, and settle into the monochromatic comfort of solitude for a while.  And these are colorful times as well.  For, they are the times when your spirit and soul will tell you of colors yet named, describing them with such a fervor that you know them, can recall them, and then use them, bringing a new shade, hue from your personal state, from your personal point of view.  It will be a sign to all who will look and see that there is revelation beyond every possibility.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Reach beyond the apparent limitation of the palette before you and use that which you have to create that which is new.


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