Home / Daily Message / January 9, 2024

January 9, 2024



          The pathway to lifting your burden, through the practice of forgiveness, requires only one thing, and that is the willingness to forgive, the desire to resolve all past conflicts through forgiveness.  In truth, once you say “yes” to the commitment, it begins, on its own.  Throughout the day, incidents, situations, and people will pop into your thoughts.  And you will soon notice that all of the thoughts have to do with matters and issues of the past, which could be resolved through forgiveness.  It is as if you are given a to do list, rising-up from within, held in The Whisper of The Holy Spirit.  And that is where you are to begin.  Begin with that which is rising-up from within.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           You might not have one or two major situations weighing you down.  It might be a bundle of small matters.  But those small matters build up, with the passing of years.  No matter how insignificant they might have appeared to be, they stand in the way of your peace.  Once you begin the practice of forgiveness, it takes on a life of its own.  You are eager to free yourself from such an unwanted prison, and this eagerness propels your practice into a daily art, formed in your heart, as you continue, each day, to forgive away all past transgressions, freeing yourself, so you might fly into the arms of peace, buoyed by The Whisper, from within.