Home / Daily Message / January 7, 2025

January 7, 2025



          When the sky is blue and the sun is shining brightly upon Earth there is a blessing of light, and health, general wellbeing.  When clouds mask the blue of the sky and release rain upon Earth there is a blessing of cleansing, and renewing, general wellbeing.  There is never a time Earth is not blessed from above.  And Earth, answering, and honoring the gifts bestowed, responds to the blessings with flowering meadows, and rushing streams.  When the time is right waters of Earth are drawn back up into the sky, a sustaining circle, where the blessed becomes the blesser, gifts exchanged without hesitation, or struggle to hold that which has been, a cycle of continuing creation.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           I will whisper from within, and God will speak from nature all around you.  Be still, be quiet, look, and see what is happening all around thee.  God is speaking in the sunlight and in the rain, in the breeze, flowing through the trees, in the song of the birds and the humming of the bees, in the fragrance of the flowers, and the nourishing fields of wheat.  No matter where you go, God is speaking, listen and know.