Home / Daily Message / January 15, 2024

January 15, 2024




          Do not hang your head in shame or guilt.  Look to Me, and I will say to you, all your heart is longing to hold and cherish.  For that which I say, will be that I love you, no matter what you do.  And that is truth.  It is the eternal blessing along The Way.  Sit with Me, and we will review that which plagues thee, and you will see it anew.  Together we will strip away all things until that which occurred is forgiven, blessed, and recognized as a lesson of great value for you.  It shall be you forgiving.  It shall be you blessing.  It shall be you to carry the pearl of wisdom your whole life through.  And this pearl, you will share with many, as you take each step through eternity.  These are My words to you, My child, and they are from Me, and they are My blessing.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not turn your head from truth.  Take that which you see, and make it a valuable lesson, which will be with you throughout all time, never ceasing, always cherished, as you come to know the value in it was always meant for thee.